Jun 25, 2011

Special Saturday #1

Time, it needs time
To win back your love again.
I will be there, I will be there.

Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday.
I will be there, I will be there.

Fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again.
I will be there, I will be there.

Love, only love
Can break down the walls someday.
I will be there, I will be there.

If we'd go again
All the way from the start,
I would try to change
The things that killed our love.

Try, baby try
To trust in my love again.
I will be there, I will be there.

Love, your love
Just shouldn't be thrown away.
I will be there, I will be there.

Your pride has build a wall, so strong
That I can't get through.
Is there really no chance
To start once again?

If we'd go again
All the way from the start,
I would try to change
The things that killed our love.

Yes I've hurt your pride, and I know
What you've been through.
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end.

I'm still loving you.
I need your love.
I'm still loving you.
Still loving you, baby...

"Betullah kata orang. Orang seni berjiwa sensitif "


  1. jangan nak karat sangatbley?wkakakak:P

  2. kan kan!! aku nak menangis niee huwaaaaaa ;'(

  3. haha of course they need to be sensitive. When u let yourself vulnerable to those emotions and feelings you tend to understand better and feel it much more closer :) hence the sensitivity. thats the whole beauty of it :)

  4. jiwang bangat deh..=P

  5. saya tak seni tapi sensetif.. =)

  6. Phewit..

    kreatif la..

  7. maksud yaya bukan yaya yang orang seni. orang lain. ^^

  8. nice poem. tapi susunan ayat macam lirik lagu. pengaruh muzik? :)

  9. naseb la den ni org nye takde jiwe seni.. kalau tak habiz girl smua den pikat.. jadi kasanova... [ade kene ke dgn entri]

    lantak p la.. ahah

  10. aku bukan jiwa seni tapi aku sensitif

    apakah itu?

  11. salwa buat GA. jemput tuan blog tengok hadiah. kalau nak jdi sponsor, bagitau okay?

